Sunday, October 16, 2022


 Well, mystery book club was great. They were a real nice group of people. It was a small group and I didn't get to ask if this was the regular group or if it had shrunk due to the lockdown. We talked about the book and how our lives were like the book. The meeting went exactly one hour. That part was nice. My old book club would drag on for over two hours. Ugh. It's a book how much can you talk about?  I have my book for next month. It is very different but still a mystery-ish. 

I spent over one hour clearing off almost everything on my dining room table. I don't know about you but my dining room table became a place to drop things and it was out of control. I got rid of empty boxes and a ton of junk mail. I can see the table top and only have about 20 thing left on it. I will work on it again and get rid of them. 

I wanted to watch the Dallas/Eagles game today while I made soup. (yes, they lost.) I could not get the remote to work so I put new batteries in. The remote still did not work so I tried to get the battery out and the twirly metal part of the remote where the battery is stabbed the battery. The battery got real hot. I panicked. Could the battery blow up? Catch on fire? I called my brother and then another brother. He assured me it would not blow up. (yes, I googled it. You google it and see what you get. It will confuse you and not tell you what to do.) He told me to take it outside and use some pliers to get the battery out of the remote. The remote was toast now and the battery was no longer hot. I guess I need to buy a new remote or I can not change the volume with out doing some sort of yoga to reach the TV that is mounted on the wall. Luckily I can push a button on the TV to turn it on. 

I made the soup Curry Butternut Squash Lentil. It was so delicious. It has spinach and carrots in it too. 

My neighbor moved today. I am a little sad. She and I were just becoming friendly more than the "hi" type of neighbors. She just rented her place so maybe she will be back. I gave her some of the cookies I made for the road trip. 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Dallas ? Oh for heavens sakes, I had you figured for a Dolts,, i mean Colts fan. Go Dolts !!!


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