Monday, April 4, 2022


 I had been feeling better than today. My left side was hurting more today. I am not sure why. 

Today the alarm company guy came and agreed that the problem I was having, I was having. It is always nice when they come and see the problem and don't dismiss you. He was so nice, called his supervisor, drove back to his office, got a part and had it totally fixed today. Originally he said it would take a few days but then he went outside, called his supervisor and said he would fix it today. I don't know what he said but he told me he didn't want me to have a broken alarm another day. Wasn't that nice?

That was the highlight of my day since it took a few hours with him coming and going. I got some work done in between.

For dinner I made another vegan warm salad bowl with barley pilaf, potatoes, chickpeas, avocado, mushrooms and romaine lettuce. 

I got a text from someone asking if I did a task. I texted back that I made an appointment with myself tomorrow morning to do the task. The person texted back that they thought that was a great idea. I have been making appointments with myself for important things for years. I learned this method in a time management course. 

Until tomorrow...


  1. Congrats on a one day repair. I mean I count that as a win and i do not have anything in it.

    1. Yes! it was a win. I was pleasantly surprised.


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