Thursday, April 14, 2022


 Today went really fast. I hung my new doorbell for my side entrance door (the old one had the door bell ripped off), my new drill was delivered which is how I removed the old doorbell, put Lucky's new cone on her head, Lucky and I walked to the post office in the rain to mail my ballot, and I worked. That was the day. 

Here is the photo of Lucky's new cone. She was having a problem sleeping with the old cone because it was hard and it seemed to cut off her airway. I saw a soft cone like this on Instagram.

She is supposed to be a bear. Isn't she cute?

I made a stir fry with tofu, broccoli and rice. It was super delicious.

Health Update: I was very nauseous last night and again this morning.  I did not feel so great today but tomorrow is another day. Maybe it is the rainy weather?

Until tomorrow...


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