Wednesday, January 12, 2022


 I am excited! I have food again. It wasn't much but I didn't have many staples like milk or mayo. I had two deliveries from two different stores. 

I had a bunch of work today and then a two-hour zoom with a bunch of entrepreneurs to discuss home businesses. It was interesting and informative. 

I called Orencia today about the one injectable that was left in my fridge when the power went out. When the power went out and had been out for a length of time, I put my Orencia in a styrofoam container with ice packs. I wanted to keep it at the correct temperature. It was in the middle of the night and I didn't want to open the fridge all the way. I grabbed the full box of Orencia but I forgot that I had one injectable in another box. I left it in the fridge and when the power came back on it went from about 50-60 degrees back to cool. I didn't take it out when it was warm and use it because it was too soon to inject it. Turns out that letting it get cool again ruined it. But the other problem was that it would have gotten ruined if I left it out of the fridge until I could take it. Being out of the fridge for over 24 hours would have ruined it anyway. So either way the shot was ruined. Luckily it was only one shot. 

Until tomorrow...


  1. Are they going to replace it? I will be interested to hear if they do replace it. I am hopeful for you !!


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