Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Don't you hate when someone doesn't do their job?  As a consultant I run into this all the time.  I work with all kinds of people in all kinds of jobs. 

When people don't do their job it just drives me crazy.  I am not talking about when someone doesn't do their job because they are sick or have a family obligation or a family death or a child sick.  I am not talking about a person who gets caught in traffic or public transportation is late.  I am talking about the person who says they are going to do something (sometimes repeatedly) and doesn't follow through.  No reason why.  The job just doesn't get done.  The person shows up at meeting after meeting acting like 'Oh, yeah, I have to do that...'. 

I wish those people would just acknowledge they messed up and forgot to do what they promised to do rather than acting like "oh yeah."  Or better yet, do what they promised to do.  Do their job!

Until tomorrow...

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