Tuesday, July 2, 2019


Today I was at my clients and we were talking about this time last year. Well this time last year, on July 4th, was when I stepped back and fell and got a concussion in front of all my party attendees. Great fun! We were saying how I had three things happen this year so I was done: concussion, car accident and fall where I fractured my wrist and tore my rotator cuff.  I was good for another year!

I guess I jinxed myself or something. At 5:15pm I took Happi outside to pee and something flew into my eye. I hurt. No, it really hurt. Like a knife in my eye. When my eye was open it didn’t hurt but if I blinked, oh boy, that HURT.

I came inside and tried to get it out and rinse it out. I was careful not to rub it. No luck. I called my eye doctor but they were closed. The answering service attempted to get a hold of the doctor to no avail. So off to the emergency room I go (at the doctor’s office insistence).

My hospital had an upgrade recently so I was getting to see the new ER. Swanky! There are two rooms just for eye and ear injuries. Makes you wonder how many eye and ear injuries there have to be to get there own examine rooms.

It was in and out very quickly. 2 hours. They looked in my eye and saw a foreign body in my eye immediately. The doctor came in, numbed me and “did it the old fashioned way” by tilting my head back and using a q-tip to swipe it out.  He said I will have a small cut where it was (imbedded) for a few days but I will be fine. He gave me some antibiotic drops to use three times a day.

Guess what it was? Plant matter. Something from a tree or something. My tree is sending out little seedlings right now so it could have been a small piece of that. It was very breezy.

Anyway it hasn’t effected my vision just my blinking ability. I’m sure I will be 100% in a day or two.

Until tomorrow...

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