Thursday, November 1, 2012


We saw photos of my brother's neighborhood. It looks horrible. Under many feet of water. His house is not but the neighborhood is. I have not heard if they have electricity yet.

Brenda's sister still does not have electricity. Unfortunately she was not prepared. She called yesterday and I was appalled to hear that someone charged her $1 to charge her phone! Talk about price gauging. It probably cost pennies (if that) to charge a phone. Then I saw some adorable little girl in New York who has set up an Internet cafe at her house so people can charge their phones, computers and electronics or check their email. All for free! She just wanted people to be able to let their families know they were safe. She said she felt lucky that her house had electricity and she should share it.

Brenda's sister has also had a hard time finding gasoline. She waited on a long line earlier in the week but after taking her stepdaughter back to school, she needed more gas. None to be found. She also has been told her work is shut down indefinitely. That means no income.

Thank you for all your concern for my family. This has been quite a week.

Today we took Brenda to her two week check up. Everything is fine. She admitted she is happy she had the surgery done. Thank you for your thoughts and kind words.

I am feeling better. Coughing less. Yay!

Until tomorrow...

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