Friday, June 2, 2023


Today was exhausting. The guys showed up early and got to work drywalling the downstairs. 

I had my "interview" for the MBSR course so I was occupied. The interview turned into a conversation. It was very helpful and the trainer thought I gave him some good information about my RA and fibromyalgia. It will help when we do yoga and such. I also talked about my past trauma of losing foster kids and my previous relationship. I told him how people keep telling me to relax and I think I am relaxed. He said that people who suffer from chronic pain and trauma have a heightened level of stress that they don't even see because they have been under stress for so long. He said this course will help me. I hope!! 

Then I went to accupuncture. This is round two and this time my left leg was sort of cramping but restless. It made it hard to relax. She said I should have rang the bell and she would have done something. I guess this is also a trait of people who have a chronic issue. I don't like to bother people. I can stand the discomfort. I would have rung the bell if it HURT.  But it didn't. Also I was cold because I turned down the blanket. Won't do that next time! 

After accupuncture I went to a floor store to look at bamboo flooring. The place was closed for lunch so I had 25 minutes to kill. I called a potential new client and she talked and talked. Meanwhile I was in my hot car for almost an hour. I got the gig and I up-sold her for more work. 

I finally went in to the floor store and I was glad I did. There were two options and I thought I wanted option A but once I got there, I saw option B and I liked option B better. Plus option B is less expensive which is always a bonus. It is $1.00 less per square foot. I don't know how many square feet we need but if we need 100 that is $100 saved! 

I finally got home exhausted. I really wasn't supposed to do all that after accupuncture but I was desperate. The flooring had to be ordered today if I wanted the project done before my parents arrive. 

Oh by the way, another client let me know he will be renewing my contract at the end of the month. 

At the end of the day, the under floor has been ripped up. The wall has been drywalled and mudded. It looks good. He promised he would rip up the stairs and lay new stairs in 24 hours so I don't have to go days with no stairs. They will return on Monday so I will have peace this weekend. 

Until tomorrow...

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