Thursday, June 1, 2023


 Day two of the rebuild.  A lot of progress took place. First they put the roof on the area outside of my kitchen where the deck goes. They put on a three layer roof that took all day. For a roof the size 15'x5'.  It looks beautiful. It is wonderful to have the tarp gone and sunlight coming in again. 

Then they put the insulation in the walls and ceiling. It is a special insulation made from wool and rocks. It is not pretty that is for sure but I hear it really works. 

Tomorrow they start with the drywall inside and taking off the shingles outside. They are really moving along. Looks like they will meet the deadline. 

I had my "interview" with the Arthritis Foundation folks this afternoon. To be a facilitator of a group, you must attend a course and meet with the AF folks. It was quick and painless. The course took about 20 minutes. Now I am waiting for my mentor to contact me. 

My alter arrived for my meditation nook. It is smaller than I thought but just big enough. Here is my nook so far. 

I am waiting for my pillows and rug. I just heard the rug has been delayed again. Ugh! 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. The wool / rock insulation is the good stuff for certain. Good choice


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