Sunday, December 4, 2022


 Today went by in a blink. It started with me bringing Christmas decorations upstairs. I only brought the light things upstairs and I am hoping my handyman will carry the heavy bins upstairs. I am going to purge. 

Then I got a message that my free VR game is going to expire if I didn't claim it today so I had to figure out how to claim and install it. Once I did that, I watched a VR documentary on blindness. It was very interesting and educational. There were many parts that I closed my eyes to feel what it would be like to not have sight. At one point it added sound from a playground one sound at a time. It is amazing how much we hearing folk take the amount of sound in our daily lives for granted. I learned when you can't see, those sounds are so frightening and some are threatening. A car door closing is a scary sound. 

Using my VR game was all a way to avoid doing work. I had to finish invoicing clients, my most hated task. I am trying to get better at it so I don't get behind. I finished this evening. 

I had to make dinner for the week and decided to try a quick curry. It is okay but I should have stuck with my regular curry. I put broccoli, sweet potatoes and chard in the curry. 

I had to get ready for my rheumatoid arthritis doctor appointment tomorrow morning. I have my script of what I want to say to her about my last appointment. Wish me luck!

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I cannot have curry because of carbohydrate, but darn, that looks great. Add some rice and it has everything I avoid and love.


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