Wednesday, December 21, 2022


 Today was my breast MRI. I do not have problems with MRIs since I have been having MRIs since I was 19 or 20 years old when I hurt my back. Beck them it was the old MRI machines where the circle you went into was really little. I learned to zen out when I was in there. Never open your eyes and just try to go to sleep or a deep relaxed state. The MRI today had music so I was able to listen to rock music (my choice.) The only thing I forgot was I hate when they say "3 more minutes", "now it is going to be 2.5 minutes". I would rather they just let it run until it is over. Their talking brings me out of my zen. 

I will have the results in a few days or more since it is Christmas. You may be asking if I wore my special Tiara and yes, I did. Of course I got weird looks since the MRI department was moved during lock down to a larger building. I don't care. That Tiara has magical powers and was given to me by a friend who helped me years ago when I had my first breast cancer scare. 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Whatever it takes. If I had a scare and someone had given a lucky something, it would go on forever.


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