Tuesday, December 6, 2022


 I got a good report on Lucky. She went on a walk and she ran! It is her final day of the medicine and she no longer breathes with a snort from her stuffed nose. She is still sleepy but no longer stuffy. 

Today is St. Nicholas Day. In the United States, one custom associated with Saint Nicholas Day is children leaving their shoes in the foyer on Saint Nicholas Eve in hope that Saint Nicholas will place some coins on the soles.

The American Santa Clause, as well as the British Father Christmas, derive from Saint Nicholas. « Santa Claus » is itself derived in part from the Dutch Sinterklaas, the saint’s name in that language. However, the gift giving associated with these descendant figures is associated with Christmas Day rather than Saint Nicholas Day itself.

Until tomorrow…

1 comment:

  1. Turns out in my neighborhood if you left your shoes outside, you were barefoot the next day.


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