Monday, December 5, 2022


Today was my rheumatologist appointment. I have been preparing for this for a couple of weeks. I wrote a script to take with me so I could say what I wanted. 

I got up early and left my house in plenty of time so I wouldn't be late for my appointment. I arrived early so I had plenty of time to practice my script. When the doctor walked in and started talking, I stopped her and launched into my script. I explained that hearing her change my diagnosis after so many years was quite upsetting. 

She was super nice about it and clarified what she said last appointment. She did not change my diagnosis, she added to my diagnosis. That makes much more sense. My new diagn is RA and fibromyalgia. We are going to work on getting the RA portion under control first by putting me on Plaquenel again. I was on Plaquenel years ago. Overall the appointment went great. 

She wanted me to go to this place down the street to get my hands x-rayed.  I went and waited a while. Then I asked the front desk how long the wait was. It was way too long for me. I'll have to go another day. 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I took my change of DX s meant things were getting worse. That is until I told Sheryl. Great she said, see you are on your way back. LOL Actually going to hybrid AS and RA instead of RA only unlocked more medication choices. It was a good thing, sort of?


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