Sunday, November 6, 2022


 Today was all about taking care of Lucky and doing Laundry. All the "L"'s. 

Lucky is doing better today. She slept a lot but is not making that noise as much. It was rainy so I kept her inside. I also cancelled the dog walker for tomorrow. I think until she gets her medicine she should stay stationary.  

I did three loads of laundry and washed dishes. Big fun here! I tried to relax since my neighbors had a fire engine at their house at 5:45 am. I got up to make sure everything was okay. I could not fall back to sleep and of course it was Day Light Savings Time so it was SO early. 

I made vegan chili for dinner. It is very good but it was too watery. I ate it with rice so the rice soaked up the liquid. I guess I should have cooked it longer. I was in a hurry. 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I love me some chili !! yum send me a big pot, with Cholula hot sauce of course,


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