Saturday, November 5, 2022


 I took Lucky for a walk between the rain drops and I thought she was doing good but 3/4 of the way around the block she got ill. I carried her home. Then she seemed fine! I can't wait to get her medicine. I think she has been licking her legs and paws and that made her sick. 

I did errands today like putting away the Halloween decorations (they needed to dry from the rain). Once I got those tasks done, I decided to cut my own hair. Don't get too excited. I just gave myself a trim. When I went to see the hairstylist down my block she said I needed a trim and then my hair would look better. I have cut my hair many times before when it was short so how hard could it be?! I watched a youtube demo and bought the right items. I got in front of a mirror and I did it. I won't say it is perfect (there is a piece in the back I do need to trim a bit more) but it looks pretty good. I only took about 1-1/2 or 2 inches off. It looks healthier now. Those inches will grow back quickly. My hair grows very  fast. In 2 years it has grown past my shoulders from a haircut that was about 2-1/2 inches long. If it looks healthy I am happy. 

Until tomorrow...


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