Wednesday, November 23, 2022


I finally got a dental appointment. It was my first appointment in one year. I was ready for the bad news. During my dental lapse of 2020 I had major dental issues. This time I was ready to hear awful news but I didn't hear any. No cavities and no cracked teeth. No crowns needed. No root canals. 

I did hear some old news that my gums on two teeth have receeded badly due to my grinding. I had two options: grafting of cadaver gums or fillings. I chose fillings because I don't have dental insurance. 

I also talked about my front teeth that are messed up due to my grinding (despite wearing braces as a kid). So I'm going to get Invisiline to fix that issue before my teeth are totally messed up. 

But I was happy to hear overall my teeth are good. 

I came home and worked on a work project and took Lucky for a couple of walk. She once again ran around the block.

Until tomorrow…

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