Wednesday, November 16, 2022


I know I have been going on about my dog Lucky a lot recently. It was just such a shock when she collapsed out of the blue and her recovery has been so slow. Today was another milestone. After dinner I took Lucky for a walk and once again she dragged me around the block. Is it because she is happy or is it because she is cold? I don't know and don't care. Then when we got home she wanted to play fetch. I throw a tennis ball in the house and she brings it back. (Yes, I know you know what fetch is) This is her second favorite game. She wanted to play for 30 minutes. Now, she is sleeping. She was so happy. 

I had another busy day working. I had groceries delivered. It is not that didn't have food but I didn't have many basics and food that I want. Things like vegan butter, crackers, powdered sugar, and pancake mix. Essentials. 

Until tomorrow...


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