Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Day 46 since I have left the house

Just on a whim today I logged into my new and unused grocery delivery account.  I was in shock that there was a delivery date available for this Friday.  There was a date sooner but I have some conference calls and I didn't want to get a delivery in the middle of a conference call like I did today.  Lucky went absolutely ballistic when the person ran the doorbell and I didn't have my computer on mute.

The grocery didn't have a lot I needed since I am vegan but they had some stuff.  They had soymilk (not my favorite but beggars...), canned beans, pickles, saltines, tortillas, and potato chips.  That made me happy.  They did not have vegan butter, vegan mac and cheese, vegan hot dogs and vegan ice cream.  They also did not red peppers.  So I will try to ask someone to check a local store.

I chose the option "I will be home to receive" rather than "I will not be home" and I don't know what the difference is since we are all at home!  All the "I will not be home" were taken.  Seems weird.  Who is not at home?  Where are all these people during a lock down?  And it is a window of time, you can't be there for 1, 2, or 4 hours during a lock down?  What do you have scheduled?  People have to work if they are essential workers, I know but what about everyone else?  Maybe they have conference calls too and don't want to be disturbed.  I don't know.  I am just excited to replenish some stuff.  I have been hoarding my one bag of chips for weeks.  I ate the first bag in the first week of the lock down but I have kept the second bag for 4 weeks.  It is my emergency comfort bag. 

I haven't run out of anything but bread and kidney and pinto beans so far but I wanted to bulk up on the rest of the items.  I get anxious when I get low on certain items. 

Until tomorrow...

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