Sunday, November 20, 2011

LOL Post (#NHBPM Day 20)

Today we are writing about something that makes us laugh.  I tried really hard to think of one thing that makes me laugh but I couldn't think of one thing that I could write a whole post about.  There are many things that make me laugh: the show Mike & Molly cracks me up, watching my dog Lucky try to pee when the grass is wet and she doesn't want to put her bottom near the wet grass, the Target commercial for Black Friday with that crazy lady working out, Two and Half Men (the old ones with Charlie Sheen) episodes especially with Berta, most Pixar/Dreamworks/Warner Bros./Disney animated movies, and my partner's laugh. 

It is important to have moments that make you laugh, especially those deep, belly laughs.  I believe laughter is the best medicine.  What makes you laugh?

This post was written as part of NHBPM – 30 health posts in 30 days:

1 comment:

  1. I love comedies! And watching my kitties romp and play also brings a big smile to my face.


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