Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Funny Side Of Crohn's (#NHBPM Day 2)

Today I saw my gastroenterologist.  There is a sentence I really didn't think I would ever say or at least wouldn't say until I was in my 80s.  I am really lucky that I get visit my gastroenterologist about every three months.  Talking about bowel movements and gas, what fun!  Today we discussed what my stool looked like.  She asked the question like she was asking me how my vacation was.  It took me a bit off guard.  I actually stuttered when I answered.  What do you say?  Solid, watery, regular....  

For a person with Crohn's what is regular?  I am lucky if I only have to poop (I prefer the term poop.  I use it for my dogs and for myself.) three times a day.  One lovely side effect of Crohn's is having to poop many times a day.  Some days it is more and some days less.  

Sometimes my poop is really messy and sometimes it is not.  I always keep those wet wipes handy.  Last time I was at the doctor's office I asked about having a sore tush (another one of my fav terms) and she prescribed Desitin.  You know for babies who have a rash on their tushies.  Now I am in my mid-life and I am using Desitin on my tush.  I guess it is true, we grow old and at a certain point, we start to go backward and become a baby again.  I guess I am on my way.

Oh, I haven't talked about food and Crohn's.  Here is a fun topic.  If I cook my own food I am usually fine but if we eat out at a restaurant, oh no.  Sometimes the rich food at restaurants goes right through me.  It is helpful if I make it home first!  One time we ate out and then decided to go to a bar.  I was at the bar for less than one hour when I had an OH NO moment.  I certainly was not going into a bar bathroom to have a Crohn's attack.  Crohn's attacks are really the type of thing you want to have in your home bathroom.  So I caught a taxi home and just made it to a bathroom just in time.  Phew!

My doctor said I don't have to be scoped (colonoscopy and/or endoscopy) and I don't have to go back for six months!  Yeah!  As much as I enjoy being cleaned out with a bottle washer, I think there should be a limit on how often one person can get scoped, like every 10 years.  Ha ha.  Okay every 5 years.

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