Monday, October 1, 2018


I had a quick trip to see my primary doctor today.  It was an appointment to see him after my car accident.  He wanted to make sure I was not too injured.  He said yes my back was tweeked and my neck was screwed up and my chest was hurt from the seat belt.  Wow!  I diagnosed myself! 

So the left side of my ribs in very bottom tip is very hurt.  Whether it is costocondritis or inflamed from the seat belt - hard to say.  But it hurts. My right side has weakness from my neck and back being tweeked.  I keep feeling pain down my right arm when I move my neck. 

He is concerned that I had a concussion on 7/4 and then had the car accident where my head snapped back and forth three months later.  Not too good for the old brain.  The recovery rate gets slower each time.  I joked I might as well play football at this rate.

I got my TB blood test to prove I don't have TB.  I am allergic to the test so I can't get the regular TB tine test. 

Pretty uneventful visit.

Until tomorrow...

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