Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Day 127.
My friend's dog (Jippy) passed away a few weeks ago.  Talking to her and hearing her grief made me think about my dog Taiko and when he passed away.  It was very sad when Taiko passed away.  I adopted Taiko when our neighbor Todd passed away.  Todd had Taiko for 9 years and he was a great dog.  That dog loved to eat just about anything.  When Todd passed away, Taiko was so sad.  He would go to Todd's house and cry.  I took Taiko because no one in Todd's family could take Taiko.  Nine months after Todd passed away from lung cancer, Taiko got stomach cancer.  He got very ill one night and by the time the vet opened in the morning, Taiko was very dehydrated.  I should have found an emergency room but shoulda, coulda, woulda.  Hind sight is 20/20. 

Poor Taiko had a heart attack a couple of days later.  Poor baby.  I was on my way over to see him when I got the call.  He had passed.  They could not bring him back with the cancer in his body he was too weak.  He poor body gave out.  He wanted to be with his Todd.  Their ashes are sprinkled together. 

It is so sad to remember that day but now when I think of Taiko I remember the funny things like the day I guests over and I turned my back for a minute and Taiko grabs the block of cheese, with it sticking out of his mouth, and runs around the house.  All the guests were chasing him, like a vaudeville act, and he was trying as hard as he could to eat that cheese as fast as he could before he got caught.  I swear it was a scene out of a movie or TV show.  Almost all of the funny things were about food.  He ate a whole bag of pretzels in 1 minute and a cheese steak in 1 second.  Both times people turned their back on their food.

I remember how he was so good with kids and people.  He was aloof but sweet.  Shiba Inus are notorious for being obstinate and aloof.  I know he loved me and my home was his home. 

We love our pets like our children and we are devastated when they die.  It is good to have great memories.  I have been taking lots of video and photos of my two.  I love them so much.

I am trying to be there for my friend.  I know she is so sad.

Until tomorrow...

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