Thursday, May 31, 2012

Respect My Wishes

Have you ever asked someone not to do something and they do it anyway?  Like you ask someone not to move your plate of food and they do and the dogs eat it.  Or you ask someone not to give you a birthday party and they do anyway. Or if someone says they want to send you a present and you ask them not to.  Then they send the present anyway.  Or you ask someone to stop sending you Christmas ornaments each year and still they send you ornaments each Christmastime.

I think if you ask someone not to do something, they should respect your wishes.  If I don't want something sent to me, don't send it to me. 

Have you had someone who ignored your wishes?  What happened?

Until tomorrow...


  1. I understand that sometimes when people say, "no" they don't mean no. But it is definitely frustrating when you clearly make a wish known and the person knows you're serious about it and then goes ahead, ignoring what you requested.

    I also know it's common for people to show how much they care, or how they love you by giving gifts or doing things for someone. But it's important to realize that sometime gifts or doing things for people, "because that's what you'd want done for you." can send the opposite message.

    Don't give up trying to get your message across! Feel free to beat me over the head if I ever don't get it too. I'm fairly hard-headed some days.

    1. Courtney, I was most definitely not talking about you. You made a very interesting point "because that's what they'd want done for them." I guess that makes sense. If what you would want is a package sent to you, then you would send a package despite the person's objections. Or plan a birthday party. You have made a good point. Thanks!


Would love to hear what you have to say!