Friday, May 25, 2012

I Just Can't Find...

The other day we lost the back panel to the remote control to the TV in the bedroom.  Don't ask how, we don't know.  One day it was there, the next it was gone.  Now we have a piece of cardboard taped to the back to keep the batteries inside.  It looks like a refugee remote.

We searched everywhere for the back.  Well, everywhere a person with a cast up to their knee can search.  I can't really get down on my hands and knees. But I looked all around where it fell.  See, the remote fell off the bed and onto the floor.  You know what I mean.  Everyone has done it.  You put the remote on the bed and you pull the covers or adjust the bed or your dog jumps up and the remote control takes a dive onto the floor.  The remote crashes on the carpet/hardwood/tile and the back goes one way and the batteries go the other.  I found the batteries but never found the back.  It has to be somewhere and I will keep looking!

It got me thinking about all the stuff that goes missing.  Like the second set of car keys I know is somewhere in this house.  Like the Melissa Etheridge CD that I have the CD cover but can't find the CD.  Like those socks.  I obsessively look for them.  I know they are here.  That CD must just be in another CD case or I set it down somewhere like the garage when I emptied out my CD cartridge from the car.  I just can't find it NOW.  Those car keys must be in a coat or sweater pocket.  I had to drive the car home, right?  Keys don't just walk away.  This is different than when I lost my house keys at a concert. Those slipped out of my fleece pocket. Note to self: don't keep your house or car keys in a fleece side pocket that doesn't have a sipper.  They slip out when you get up and down to dance at a concert!

Where does the stuff go?  Do we just misplace things?  Do we not put things back where they belong? Do our dogs eat them?  Do our partners move them when we aren't looking?  I sometimes think my partner moves my things around to confuse me. Okay, maybe not intentionally but she moves my stuff and then I can't find what I am looking for.   It drives me crazy.

So, the search will continue for the back to the remote control.  I will let you know when we find it.  It will be a momentous occasion.  

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. We have kitties. They bat everything hither and thro and it goes into that black abyss. That's where all missing things go...into the black abyss. And socks...well don't get me started. How we only wind up with one of every single color. It go so bad in my house that I now only buy white socks for myself. Maybe there is another universe somewhere out there sucking all this stuff through a time warp :-)


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