Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day Two Post Op

Okay, I take back everythinging I said yesterday about pain. At about 4 am I woke up with some pain in my ankle. It was still dark out and the whole house was asleep. As you can imagine I am not very quiet right now. I have crutches that make noise and drives the dogs crazy. I can't take the medicine on an empty stomache so I went back to sleep. At 8 am I woke up to even more pain. I ate and took the Vicodin. It seemed like the painkiller didn't do a thing. All day I was in horrible pain. Every step, every movement was worse than a knife through my ankle. I flexed my ankle once and the pain was unbearable. Won't be doing that again!

I got the best package in the mail. My parents sent me a waterproof cover for my cast so I could take a bath. That bath felt SO good. I washed all the sticky antibacterial cleanser off.

I spent the day resting, checking emails, and catching up on TV shows I have missed. I was much more tired today. I am taking 20 mg of Prednisone for a couple of days.

I went upstairs today for a minute. I accidentally erased my business phone outgoing message. When I erased it I also said sh*t. So the outgoing message said sh*t. Not exactly what I want my clients to hear when they call. So I had to go upstairs to rerecord the message. Going upstairs took awhile and was quite painful.

Let's hope tomorrow is a better day! Until tomorrow...

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