Sunday, May 14, 2023


 I started watching A Man Called Otto last night but didn’t finish it until this morning. What a movie! That should have beaten that Everything Everywhere nonsense. 

I received a lovely Mothers Day text from my friends adopted boy. That was so sweet. 

I went outside and planted the carrots and squash in containers. Now I only have two items left, repot the strawberries and buy a tomato plant. Then the farmer in me is done. 

I told some folks I was thinking of going to an outdoor event so I got ready to go. It was essentially an outdoor dance event where they raise money for charity. I didn’t want to drive because the park would be crowded for Mother’s Day and I don’t take public transport yet so I took a taxi. What a trial! It took two calls and almost 30 minutes to get a taxi to get there and then two calls and 15 minutes of waiting to get back. The taxi driver said not too many taxis were working since it Mother’s Day. 

I had a good time and saw two people I know. One is my friend who moved to Hawaii during COVID but was planning the move prior to lockdown. The other is the organizer of the event. He used to be my neighbor. He was so sweet and he sent me a special email to see if I would come out today. I was the only person who was masked for part of it. Hugs were masked but there was a breeze and I didn’t get too close to anyone. 

I took my old 35mm camera to take photos so now I have to get the film developed. Some places will put the pictures on a disk too. 

Until tomorrow…

1 comment:

  1. A man called Otto is so good. It is a remake of a German film. I loved it. I hope you do as well.


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