Sunday, January 5, 2020


Today had some highs and lows.  I met my cousin and aunt for brunch.  While we were at brunch we got an email that my mother was taken to the hospital.  It was quite a shock for all of us.  My mother is quite far away so none of us could go be with her.

After brunch my cousin and I went to the movies.  We went to see Uncut Gems.  It was a bit violent and depressing but a good story.  It was hard to concentrate with my mother in the hospital and various family members texting and calling.

I got an update about my mother that showed some improvement.  I offered right away to go to the hospital but my offer was declined.  For once I am the closest child in distance since I am on vacation.

I went to my cousins for some moral support and because my other cousin and her husband are doctors.  They convinced me to not run to the airport and to wait and see for 12 hours since the medicine seems to working.  I ate some dinner and decided to go back to my hotel.

At the hotel I ate my leftover food from last night and worked out my contingency plan if I have to go to the hospital.  I have a dog sitter.  I have flight options.

In the middle of all this my dad arrived in Florida a day early. I called him to see if he wanted me to come see him.  If things go better with my mom tomorrow, I will drive up to see my dad for a few hours.

Until tomorrow...

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