Thursday, March 30, 2023


 I finally caught up on my blog posts. You have no idea the bad feeling I get when I fall behind. 

Today was the first day of MOLD CLEANING. The guys arrived and immediately put up plastic walls so I cannot go downstairs and cannot see anything. They went in and out the plastic room. There was a lot of banging and scraping and music. It went on for 2.5 hours. They brought out bags and bags of stuff. They had hazmat type suits on. 

Finally they left and said they would be back tomorrow. The dehumidifiers are still running. I am happier now more than ever that I have solar power. I can't imagine having to pay for all this electricity if I didn't. This is two full weeks of round-the-clock dehumidifiers and fans running.  

Then after tomorrow, it will be into next week until the cleaning is finished.  

Someone said to me today that it must feel like I am on a mini vacation. No. It does not. It feels like I am displaced.  Many years ago my apartment caught on fire when I was at the movies. I came home and had to pack up some things that were all smoky and move out to a hotel. This feels a bit like that. At least with that crisis my insurance covered the damage. It looks like insurance will not cover any of the damage. 

I am doing my best to only go near that part of the home with a mask on and I am running my air purifier at night. I am going to get my other air purifier and run it during the day.  If it was warmer I would have all the windows open but I own a bird that would die with the cold air we have now. I do not want to get sick from all this bad air.

Until tomorrow...


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