Thursday, June 16, 2022


It is 9:49pm and I just finished working on a work project. So as much as I want to regale you with my fantastic stories, I am tired and I want to go to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow since the backyard guy is coming. On Wednesday he showed up 30 minutes early so I need to be on my toes tomorrow. 

Today I worked a bunch then I made something really fantastic that I will show you maybe tomorrow. But right now I am going to go lie down and put my feet up. 

Here is a cute photo of Lucky to keep you entertained. 

I am teaching Lucky to drive! She is almost old enough to get her learners permit.

Until tomorrow...


  1. Hey our little Samantha wrote my dissertation. So I figure Lucky can go cruising looking for males. Or whatever they look for these days. I mean, I only drove to to and form work and church. And only with a full tank of gas. I mean you understand?

    1. I understand. Lucky is a really careful driver. She only has her permit. LOL


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