Thursday, June 23, 2022


 Okay, don't get too excited. I had a virtual doctor's appointment today and while I was on the appointment with the physician's assistant I mentioned that I have white spots on the back of my throat. She got very concerned that I have strep throat. I guess it can be very serious in people who are immune compromised. So it was 4pm and I rushed over to their office. It was almost empty and I walked up the stairs and avoided all people. But I had to take my mask off twice to show my tonsils and to get the test done. The test came out negative so now they think I have oral thrush. I get oral thrush every now and then from antibiotics. It has never presented like this before. So, some oral rinse has been called in and I need to see if that takes care of it. 

But she also wants me to go tomorrow and get blood work done so it means going back to the same location. I think it is good to get the blood work done although I had it done in March in the emergency room. 

She was unable to find a solution for the original reason that I had set up the virtual call which is my feet so I am going to buy a new pair of sneakers and see if that helps. 

She also does not know why my lymph nodes are swollen on the left side of my neck. I am supposed to give it another few weeks and see if it subsides. 

That was my crazy afternoon. 

Until tomorrow...


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