Monday, June 27, 2022


 Today was another day of the backyard. I was so happy I finally found a place to order my eco-fencing. I have gone around and around with a couple of places about whether they can order it or not. I finally called a distributor and the woman was so nice. It will be shipped in two weeks. 

Here is the latest on the backyard. 

As you can see in the first photo: the fence is gone and the area is cleared. He has been digging out the old posts but that has been a challenge.  Photo 2: He picked up the slate pieces and made them all flat and even. So Nice! He will clean them later in the project. Photo 3: He dug more dirt from under the deck and made a two tier area. The top tier holds my extra chairs and grill and the bottom tier will hold my table in the winter. He made a ramp to get the grill up and down. The extra dirt is filling in under my trees where the dirt has eroded. 

My yard looks so much bigger now. I just can't believe it. 

I made a vegan cheesy pasta with peas and chikun fingers for dinner. 

Well that is all today. I don't have much to say. I spent all day finding fencing. 

Until tomorrow...


  1. everything in the backyard is coming together. Tell Lucky if she will carry a flag in the parade next year you will take 5 months off the end of the project.

    Yeah I know it is a lie, but will she know? LOL

    1. I tell Lucky things all the time. I try not to lie to her. She is a good old girl. She is sleeping (and snoring) next to me. :)


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