Friday, February 1, 2013


I was fine when I woke up this morning. I was fine when I went to my clients. Then it all started to go downhill. It started with a headache. Then I got horribly tired. Then I could not keep my eyes open.

I ate lunch and sat down in front of the TV and fell asleep. A few minutes later, I woke up and I was achy. I went to the living room and tried to rest on the couch. That didn't work so I went down and got into bed. A few minutes later I was sound asleep. I woke up 1.5 hours later all achy and sore. I keep watching those maps of the flu marching across the US. It has landed on the West Coast. I want to keep it at bay. I got the flu shot but I keep hearing folks say that they are getting the flu anyway. I don't want to get sick so I am taking it easy.

Early to bed tonight!

Until tomorrow...


  1. I have never been prescribed/taken/had available to me Tamiflu but I have been completely impressed/astounded/grateful for what it did to help me recover and get back to normal. If you see a health care professional, ask after it because it's ability to prevent the influenza virus from replicating further and reducing your suffering by up to three days is so worth it.

    Also, feel better soon. And hugs from the East Coast.

    1. Thanks I went to bed early and I feel better today. I have been so careful to wash my hands and stay away from the sick folk and not shake hands. I am taking Vitamin C and getting sleep. I am hoping yesterday was just my RA and not anything else. Fingers crossed I stay healthy for two more weeks!


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