Wednesday, January 31, 2024


Today my handyman came to replace the backyard light since it stopped working over a week ago. Not sure what happened but it was working at 7 pm and at 10 pm it wasn't. Today my handyman took it down and replaced it. 

While he replaced the backyard light, I had him also replace the front light. The lights were bought at the same time and if one died I was sure the other one would die too. They both get about the same amount of usage. Sure the front yard light may have lasted another couple of months but the handyman was here and it seemed to make sense to do both lights. 

Such home decisions. I feel much safer with the outdoor lights. Safer takes away stress. Stress makes me get flares. So the lights will help my health. 

I went into the city and I had some time to kill so I went into Cartier to look around. Who doesn't like to look at diamonds? I was dressed in nice jeans and and a hiking type jacket and hiking shoes. I guess I did look like their usual clientele because not one person (and there were many) who worked there ask to help me. It reminded me of the scene in Pretty Woman where Julia Roberts character, Vivian, was dressed as a hooker and went into a fancy store, they ignored her and looked down at her. Then she went to another store and spent loads of money on clothes and accessories . She went back to the first store and said: "Big mistake. Big.  Huge. I have to go shopping now " . 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel bad when I went into Cartier they just called the police. Maybe it was when I opened the door and yelled, has my mommy dropped off that package for me, that did it. Or maybe because I was not wearing pants.

    Marxists. LOL


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