Friday, January 5, 2024


Today I woke up early and flew to Florida. The only issue was the guy in my row on the plane coughed. Not just *cough* but bronchitis or pneumonia type cough. Plus he didn't cover his mouth. Ew. 

I had a N95 mask on and then put another one on over it. I am not interested In getting whatever he has. 

My cousin picked me up at the airport. We drove to a restaurant and had dinner. Then we went to our hotel.

Here in Florida it is interesting. I am the only person with a mask outside of the airport. Inside the airport there were more masked people. 

My cousin picked me up and we drove to the opposite side of Florida to visit my brother. 

It's been a long day. 

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I have to say FL is just not a place I want to go these days. Though I do hear they have plenty used library books they are tossing out each day? Hey if you run across a copy of the now censored and removed Diary of Anne Frank, pick me up a copy. I will reimburse you the expense and send the school a check for $100. Same goes for Cather in the Rye.


Would love to hear what you have to say!