Wednesday, May 26, 2021


 A few weeks ago I put in my mouth guard and went to sleep.  The dentist had adjusted it and it made it loose in my mouth.  She did this because one of the metal holders was too tight and was causing me to have issues with one of my teeth.  One night the night guard was loose and I was asleep and I must have chomped down on it and cracked it.  In case you have never seen a serious night guard (not the type they sell at pharmacies) they are about 1/4 inch thick heavy duty plastic.  They will make you gag when you put them in your mouth. I had the thin plastic kind before and I ground through it.  

Anyway, I cracked it in my sleep.  It sounded like I bit down on a walnut shell in my mouth in my sleep.  I thought I broke my tooth.  Luckily all those teeth are metal.  So, I stopped wearing my mouth guard which isn't good because it causes my teeth to move.

Today I went to the dentist and she looked at it and decided that my 30 year mouth guard has done it's job and it is time to get a new one.  It has been ground down and adjusted so many times there is just no more she can do.  Guess how much a new mouth guard costs with no dental insurance??  $600.  Ouch!  Especially after getting a 2 new crowns in 9 months.  I should just have my paycheck direct deposited to the dentist!  Ha ha.  

After that fun trip I went for a walk.  It wasn't a long walk.  I was nervous that my Amazon delivery was going to arrive while I was gone.  Sometimes Amazon does the sneak attack.  They say they are coming at 2:45 - 4:45 and then they show up at 2:30.  Other times they show up at 7:00pm.  You just never know.

Today was the day I tried the Water Kefir with Orange Slices.  When I opened the jar I was shocked that it was like opening a bottle of seltzer.  It fizzed.  It really tasted like orange.  It was refreshing.  I kind of liked it. You can see how it got much lighter over the photos that I took on previous dates.  That is the fermenting not the lighting. 

I am going to move on to Kombucha for my next drink.

Until tomorrow...

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