Saturday, September 12, 2020


 I made my goal of working out 5 times a week again this week.  I have been thinking that at some point I have to increase the amount I am working out or will have to workout longer.  I think that point is down the road but I have to think about it now so I can mentally plan for it.  

I have been changing up my workouts.  This week I road my stationary bike for 6 miles three times.  I like this workout because it is the easiest on my joints and I get to watch TV while I do it.  But with the smoke in the air, I couldn't do it all week long.  Plus I need to mix up the workouts.  I did the indoor walk DVD one day.  It is not as easy as you think.  It is one mile of walking in place but it also has hand weights and kicks and leg lifts.  It really gets me sweaty.  Then on the last day I did Zumba for 35 minutes.  I did the toning and sculpting DVD.  It uses weights and really makes me sweat.  I end up drinking lots of water.  This way I get some cardio and some weights.  I get some exercise that I sit down and some that I am standing.  

Today I did a zoom with my new RA group.  We did a go around to meet each other and made a list of things to talk about since it is a new group.  It isn't in my town but they are nice to include me. They are all so nice.  Almost all of them have had RA since they were young.  I know I was diagnosed when I was in my 20's but I am convinced that I had it many years earlier.  I just ignored the symptoms or the doctors did.  I try to think what symptoms I would have had that would have sparked them into action.  Even when I had acute symptoms the first doctor I told, wouldn't send me for tests and told me "you are getting older now, you should expect these things."  It was so long ago.  

Until tomorrow...

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