Monday, September 28, 2020


 I used someone's advice and I googled "how to fix something" and the advice worked!  My front blinds have been stuck at about 1/2 way for years.  Someone was house sitting and didn't know how to use blinds, I guess, and they pulled the blinds and they got stuck.  I should be thankful that they didn't tug too hard and break the string.  I thought I was going to have to get the company to come in and restring them.  Today I used "the Google" as a family member says and watched a video from the company on how to get the blinds to come all the way down.  It worked! The woman on the video was right.  I now have functioning blinds again and on a hot day I am happy.  

You might say "open a window if it is hot". I would but the smoke is back.  It was in the orange zone this morning when I took Lucky out to pee and breathed in a couple of breaths and proceeded to have a coughing fit.  Yes, I smelled the smoke but I didn't think it was that bad.  It was.  So, we are back to closed windows on a hot day.  No, my purifier did not arrive and I need to track it down.  Seems that is lost in the Amazon network.  

Until tomorrow...

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