Tuesday, September 29, 2020


 Yes, I skipped Day 6 No Work.  I was so excited that I fixed my blinds since it was hot outside and the smoke was back that I forgot to write Day 6 No Work.   

The weather was better today.  The smoke cleared out for the day but will return.  I was able to walk on the treadmill. I used a program for the first time.  It had me going up hills and down valleys.  It made the walk more interesting.  I watched an organizing show on Netflix.  

I played Election Bingo during the debates.  In case you have never played it, there are bingo boards on the internet.  I got a board that had Biden and Trump on each side.  Each square had different things each person says.  You cross the square out when the person says it.  I got bingo on the Biden board.  Yay!  It is random and I could have just as easily gotten bingo on the Trump side or not gotten bingo at all.  It just made the debate more interesting.

Until tomorrow...

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