Saturday, August 31, 2019


Today I was supposed to go visit my foster kid and have a surprise picnic. Something got in the way of that and I got part way there and had to turn around.

When we spoke on the phone he told me someone told him were supposed to go on a surprise picnic. He told me he hated picnics. I asked him why? He said he just did. I told him we had a picnic when we went on his class trip and he had then. He insisted that was not a picnic. So I asked him to describe a picnic for me.

He said a picnic was people bringing a blanket to grassy area and putting it down and bringing a basket of food and putting it down on the blanket. Then the people sit on the blanket and eat.

I asked him what the field trip was. He said that was Lunch. Not a picnic. (On the field trip everyone brought their lunch and we sat at a picnic table and ate our food.)

He insisted that the field trip was a lunch but not a picnic but he liked the field trip lunch. But he hates picnics.

Okay. Best not to argue with the picnic expert.

Until tomorrow...

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