Friday, August 23, 2019


I got up this morning and called the location where my foster kid was and made a complaint of inappropriate behavior.  They took the complaint seriously and are going to deal with it.  I feel better.

Why is it that professional people do not think before they speak?  I am not just talking about this instance but there have been so many lately that people just open there mouths and don't think before they speak.  I even read an article in the paper about this recently.  That some people feel they can say anything they want without thinking through what the consequences are or who they could be hurting or what they are saying could mean down the line.  I don't understand.

I started a practice a while ago.  Before I send an email where I am angry or upset, I write it and then I walk away.  I come back and read it before I hit send.  That way I take a minute before I send something that may hurt someone or I may not really mean.

Think before you speak, please.

Until tomorrow...

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