Saturday, August 24, 2019


My house was out of food. Not just "hey, I need to go food shopping." But more like I have nothing left to eat for breakfast. I was out of butter, mayo and peanut butter.

It was hard to make any type of nutritious meal unless I wanted dried beans or lentils with ketchup.

I went and got four bags of staples and now I can eat meals again.

I know not everyone has this privilege and I do not take it for granted.  There was a time years ago during the recession in the 90's when I could not find a job for a long time and my unemployment had run out.   I had to go down to the city's General Assistance office and ask for help. For a short time I received assistance money and food stamps.  It is a humbling experience and one I am most grateful to have experienced. I will never take food and the ability to have food for granted.

I am now dreaming up things I can make for dinner.

Until tomorrow...

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