Sunday, November 3, 2013


Today I got to Skype with my niece and nephew. They have grown so much.  They are so cute!  I enjoyed seeing them play and interact together.  It is so fun to Skype since kids this little can't really talk on the phone and don't really have the attention span for phones.  My niece kept staring at her own picture on the Ipad instead of my picture.  My nephew liked when  I pointed my finger at him and it got bigger in the camera.

It is also interesting listening to my nephew now that he can tell me things.  He told me all about the book I sent them (with a little elaboration).  Then he told me about his costumes for Halloween.

We are going to try to Skype next week too.

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I think Skype is so amazing--it's like science fiction made real. Finally, we have one of the technologies dreamed of back when we were kids: picture phones! It's not exactly like we imagined, but ... WOW ... nonetheless! I'm glad you had fun with the little ones, Adrienne. :o)


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