Thursday, November 14, 2013


How many of you have been sent cancellation notices from your insurance company? How many of you have been told your plan is ending on 12/31?  Are any of you worried your current doctors will not be on your 2014 plan?

Well, let me tell you, I have had an eye opening experience. Every time I think I have it all figured out, I get another curve ball. 

First, I think I can stay on my current plan. Uh, uh, not so fast! My plan is changing on 12/31. 

Then I think when they say "household" they mean household. Nope! Brenda and I have to be on separate plans and only one of us can get a subsidy. 

Then I find out I won't know about coverage for my Enbrel for another few weeks because the formulary has not been published. Hmmmm...

Finally, I asked my physician if he is going to continue to be my insurance plan. His practice has not signed the contract yet. What are they waiting for?? 

So I wait.  That 12/15 deadline is looming and now the government is mucking about today saying I can keep my current plan. Did anyone talk to my insurance company?   They don't want to let me keep that plan.

What have been your experiences?

Until tomorrow...

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