Friday, June 22, 2012

Ready, Set, FLARE

Got the cast off and what do you know?  FLARE!  Not the kind in the sky.  The kind you get and suddenly you can't walk without searing pain.  My knee feels like a knife is going through it while it is swollen all at the same time.  Walking across the room is like willing myself to walk on glass.  Stairs are something to avoid at all costs.  I would pay someone to go downstairs to get my toothbrush. 

This is unbelievable.  I finally get the cast off and now I can barely walk! How is my ankle?  It hurts less than my knee!  It only hurts a lot if I twist it.  I can walk slowly and carefully. 

I called my RA doc and she is afraid to put me on Enbrel with the fevers and the weekend coming up.  So she wants me to go on Advil for the weekend.  Like taking really bad candy that makes my stomach burn.  I promised I would try it.

I have a call into my primary to find out when I can go back and get a new blood test and see what those pesky white blood cells are doing.  Are they up?  Are they down?  Who knows.

Meanwhile doing the physical therapy for my ankle is a bit difficult while sitting with my legs propped up on a chair.  I guess I needed more rest!  I have more movies that I didn't get to watch when I had surgery, so I will watch them over the weekend.  I will finally watch Rebecca!  Yay!

Until tomorrow...


  1. Ugn. Ouch. Dang. Feel better, no, get bettet, no feel better AND get better soon!

  2. Thanks Courtney! Feelin' better already.


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