Saturday, June 23, 2012

Hearing Noises

Yesterday I heard noises in the living room. It sounded like a far away humming. There is construction going on down the street so I didn't think that much about it. Then it sounded like it was in our "eves" we have a Spanish type roof with the red half moon things that birds like to nest in. Sometimes the birds coo. So I didn't think anything about it.

This morning I woke up and the noises were REALLY loud and there was scratching. It was coming from the fireplace in the living room. It sounded like a dove or a bird of some sort. It seemed a bit panicked.

Who do you call for this situation? Let's get real, I can't exactly climb in the roof and fix this problem! I can barely climb a flight of stairs these days.

First, we called the fireplace company but they were closed. Then we called Animal Care and Control they said birds climb down into chimneys and get stuck all the time. They said they would come over and get the poor thing out.

Joe fromAnimal Care and Control showed up and looked everywhere for that bird. He could not find it in the fireplace or on the roof. So after 45 minutes he left and told me to call again if I heard it.

I ran my errands and when I came back, there were the bird sounds again. I called and he came back. This time he took the vent off the fireplace on the roof, took the vent of the side of the house for the drier, looked in every opening on the roof, and checked the fireplace again. Turns out our flue is very far up into the fireplace so a person can't reach up to feel if a bird is stuck there. After about 1.5 hours, he gave up. We decided to leave the flue open and see if the bird can figure out how to get himself. We put a screen in front of the fireplace opening so he can't fly around the room. Now we wait and see. He said they would come back and pick up the bird once it comes out.

This threw a wrench in my days plans. The big question: why are we being over run with non-domestic animals all of a sudden? Don't we own enough animals? Didn't we do our part by adopting 2 dogs, a bird and fish? I don't need anymore animals!

Let's hope the bird comes out soon! Never a dull moment!

Until tomorrow...

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