Sunday, April 30, 2023


 Today was a day of "keeping my mind off" tomorrow. Tomorrow is my MRI and I didn't want to think about it very much. To do that I took a bath, washed my hair, and then finished invoicing my clients. I am up to date until tomorrow! Then I have to start the process all over again for April. But at least I completed the first quarter. I can breathe now. And pay for this MRI. 

I have a couple of different tactics to keep my mind off things: watch a series that keeps me entertained, do things like laundry that need my attention, or make candy. I stay away from reading books and taking long walks. For me it is too much time to think. My mind strays and starts to think of things. 

I couldn't eat so I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, mini carrots and apple sauce. I think I reverted back to my childhood. It was easy and comforting. 

I have to get up very early for this test so I am signing off now. 

Until tomorrow...

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