Thursday, March 21, 2019


After days of Lucky not eating hardly anything today she decided to eat. She gobbled her food.  I moved her food into another room to eat so she could not see Happi eating and would not stress Happi while she was eating. It seems to be working out better all around. Happi does gobble her food out of fear that Lucky will come over and eat her food. Lucky is sequestered with only her food so she has the time to eat all her food.

I spoke to the vet today about Happi. We decided to keep her on the current regimen for one more week. I told him her peeing is better, her energy is up, her eating is better, her attitude is better, but she is still chattering, she gets anxious and chattering at night, she is clingy.  He asked about her quality of life and I said she is walking pulling me around the block.  She seems happy. But she is having issues with her arthritis in her back legs. Since I can't give her the meds I used to give her for inflammation.  He said that is easy to fix. So I am going in for a demo on a new medication. He said it should help her joints.

Until tomorrow...

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