Monday, October 23, 2017


I went to see my cardiologist today.  I stopped taking the medicine about a month ago that was supposed to stop the  racing heart beat.  Atrial Tachycardia.  The medicine didn't seem to be doing anything but making it hard to sleep and making my blood pressure drop to a scary level.

The doctor and I spoke about it and we decided that I would stay off all medicines since all the medicines make my blood pressure drop to super low levels.  The plan is to just leave it be.  I have had this racing heart for as long as I can remember and I have been fine.  The doctor says it isn't dangerous unless the racing heart goes on for 5-10 minutes.  Then I should go to a hospital or call an ambulance.  Meanwhile I am on a 6 month plan.  Every 6 months I get put on a monitor to see if anything changes and then go see her to get checked.  The monitor this time will only be 2 weeks and not the month long like last time. It sounds like an excellent plan.

Until tomorrow...

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