Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Today out of the blue the District  Attorney's office called me to see if I would be interested in testifying in the case against the guy who has been harassing our neighborhood.  If you read this blog consistently, you might remember back in June I was a witness to the guy breaking into the house across the street.  I did a citizen's arrest.  I was so anti-climatic.  I called the police to say I saw him enter a vacant home and since the police were not there I was able to do a citizen's arrest when they showed up.  I didn't have to do anything but say I was doing a citizen's arrest.  I didn't think anything would come of it since he tried to break into the next door neighbor's home, then he tried to break into my home.  It seemed like the police's arms were tied and the DA was not doing anything about it.

Then I got the call.  The office had not put all the police reports together from this street.  I gave them all the information about all of them.  Now they are building a bigger case against the guy.  I am hoping they can get him some help and not just throw him in jail.  He has serious mental health and substance abuse issues.  He needs help and not to be just thrown behind bars.  I know I am an idealist but putting him in jail for 6 months means he becomes our problem again when he comes out.  He is delusional and thinks he owns the homes in our neighborhood. Six months in jail is not going to change that.

Now I am waiting for the phone call for my court date to testify.

Until tomorrow...

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