Friday, December 20, 2013


About a year after I met Brenda my knee began to hurt. Then it really began to hurt. Then I couldn't walk up or down stairs without it hurting terribly. Then it hurt when I walked but mostly only after I took a step and I was bringing my leg forward for another step. 

Do you think I went to a doctor? Nah! 

Okay, when my knee gave out going downstairs I finally thought I should contact a doctor.  I ended up having an MRI and it looked like miniscus tear. I scheduled the surgery. You would have thought I would have stayed at home with my leg up. Nah!

Three days before surgery we went to a Great America amusement park. I hobbled around all day. Of course by the time I went in for surgery my knee was swollen up like a watermelon. The surgeon said it was hard to see in my knee it was so swollen. 

To finish this story, I had two surgeries on my knee in 6 months and was on crutches and a cane for 9 months.  It was a miniscus tear and he had to go back in to do an adjustment. 

Lesson: don't walk around an amusement park a few days before knee surgery! 

Yesterday my knee began hurting in the same way. I can barely move it without pain. I have it elevated with hopes it is just swollen and not something worse. It is the same knee so there isn't much cartiledge left to tear.  Hopefully a few days of elevation will help.  It is not the knee I fell on while on the cruise, ironically.

Until tomorrow...

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